Saturday 16 September 2017

The Flash: Rogues Reloaded Review

Finished reading The Flash: Rogues Reloaded, continuing the current Flash series writer Joshua Williamson brings back the Rogues after leaving Central City at the beginning of the series. The book with Flash taking out a group of wannabe criminals who have been running wild since the Rouges left Central City with causes Barry to investigate where the team went to as he follow multiple leads of Mirror Master's ex girlfriend and Golden Gliders former mentor which takes Barry to an old warehouse where Cold and Gliders grandfather use to work where Barry discovers plans to rob a museum in Corto Maltese. When Barry gets to Corto Maltese he's unable to stop the theft of a large statue of the god, Mercury by Mirror Master and when Barry returns to Central City he discovers that the other members of the Rouges were able to pull of multiple heists while Barry was in Corto Maltese. The second story sees Flash and Kid Flash heading to Belle Reve prison in hopes to find Wally's father, Daniel West the Reverse Flash who was a part of the Suicide Squad and with no help from Amanda Waller the two heroes head to Australia to meet with Captain Boomerang who is on a mission for Waller which Barry and Wally find themselves in the middle of. The final story puts Iris Wast centre stage as she is investigating a missing body's report as the victims of Godspeed are bring dug up at taking way by members of Black Hole. Overall this a great book as it brings the Rouges back into the Flash's life which leads to some amazing insight into the teams history and life's. While the return of Captain Boomerang into a Flash book feels like a long time coming since he's been a part of the Suicide Squad for ages and the was Boomerang helps and teams up with Barry and Wally brings some great emotional and comedic moments. The art throughout the book is great as each story's accompanying art styles works extremely well with how the book isn't just set in Central City as Flash and Kid Flash going to Australia in one story. While the sudden changes feel a bit out of place for a time but thanks to the art's tone the changes feels almost organic. 8/10.

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