Saturday 1 July 2017

Spider-Man 2099: Gods and Women Review

Finished reading Spider-Man 2099: Gods and Women, continuing Miguel O'Hara adventures in present day New York as the Spider-Man from the future deals with a new Inhuman and the mystery behind what happened to his girlfriend Tempest thickens. The book opens within a laboratory at Parker Industries where Peter Parker has brought in mutations except Rhonda Fleming to help take a look at a sample of Terrigen only for the containment unit to curse the Terrigen to put Rhonda into an Inhuman cocoon. When Miguel's team finds out what has happened they go straight to the laboratory where Rhonda's cocoon is when the Inhuman Lash appears and takes the cocoon which leads to Miguel suiting up as Spider-Man to chase after Lash in hope to keep Rhonda save but this become more complicated when Lash teleports to the top of a volcano makes this more difficult. Once Rhonda emerges for her cocoon with God level powers and a god complex to fit makes Miguel's troubles far from over. The second half of the book begins with Miguel's coworker Jasmine recovering in a local hospital from getting hurt by Rhonda, notices Miguel's assume to be dead girlfriend Tempest comatose in a hospital bed. Once news of this gets to Miguel he finds that Tempest's mother has hired Man-Mountain Marko to watch over Tempest, leading to Miguel to use himself as a distraction for Man-Mountain Marko so Peter Parker Spider-Man can safely move Tempest of of the hospital to a different one where Miguel can look after her. Once Tempest is save in a different hospital Miguel focuses his attention on finding Tempest's mother in order to find out why Miguel was unable to see his own girlfriend. Overall this was a good book as it continues to develop Miguel's life in the present day with the mystery behind the apparent death of Tempest being unraveled leads to some great reveals and sets up an interesting direction for the series to take Miguel next. The use of Rhonda as a villain brings a very intriguing story to life with how it brings religion to the forefront by showing the characters views on religion and how is effects their way of thinking especially with Rhonda with her belief being the driving force of the character. The art work of the series by Will Sliney continues to work greatly for the story by giving the world the futuristic feel around Miguel. 7.5/10.

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