Saturday 25 March 2017

DC Universe: Rebirth: The Deluxe Edition Review

Finished reading DC Universe: Rebirth: The Deluxe Edition, set out a new direction in for the DC universe as writer Geoff Johns brings back the a few things that has been missing within the DC universe since the New 52 and with that comes a new unknown threat. The book opens up with Batman in the Batcave hearing the news of Superman's death and trying to come to the terms with the fact that he recently learned that there is three separate Jokers and not just the one he thought there always has been, when the original Wally West appears after being trapped in the Speed Force since the events of Flashpoint with the hope that Batman might remember him only for Wally fall back in to the Speed Force. Which leading to Wally look all over the whole DC universe trying to find someone who can help him to get out of the Speed Force while also discovering how different the world is compared to how he remembers it. Overall this was an amazing book as it sets up the future of the DC universe extremely well with writer Geoff Johns using the original Wally Wast as the point of view character allow for readers who have been keep up to date with all of DC's series prior to be caught up very easily. Additionally there is a great amount of emotional moments with in the book thanks to how Wally attempts to interact with the people who have forgotten about him, with the final moments of the book with Wally and the Flash is one of the greatest moments of the book. The art throughout the book is great as the whole art team as each style works perfectly for each part of the book and changes very subtly in most places while also doing a great job is showcasing each character emotions. 9/10.

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