Tuesday 7 February 2017

Captain America: Sam Wilson: Not My Captain America Review

Finished reading Captain America: Sam Wilson: Not My Captain America, continuing with Sam Wilson taking up the mantle of Captain America writer Nick Spencer reveals that much has changed for the former Falcon in the time jump form Secret Wars. The book opens up with current Captain America, Sam Wilson boarding a plane to head back home after stopping a group named the Sons of the Serpent who have been kidnapping immigrants on the American border to be used as test subjects for the villainous Doctor Malus how as been experimenting with turning humans into large animals and even animal hybrids. Once Sam finds out the Malus is behind the kidnappings and after a quick talk with Steve Rogers who Sam is not working with since he parted ways with S.H.I.E.L.D. heads back to New York to close Malus' operation only to be caught and turn into a new version of Cap-Wolf before he defeats the scientist. The second half of the book has Sam not only having to deal with being part wolf after his run in with Malus, facing against the Serpent Society how have rebranded themselves as Serpent Solutions and is making an impact in the business world. This leads to Sam in hop to get some intel on the villainous group, meets with reformed villain and former member of the Serpent Society, Diamondback who has fallen on bad times since her fiancĂ©, another former member of the Serpent Society, Constrictor died recently. Overall this was an amazing book as it fuelled by tons of political and social commentary makes the fight between heroes and villains less black and white by incorporating many shades of grey with the villainous Serpent Society rebranding themselves as a company which allows their current leader, Viper to have some great dialogue that makes the group seem to have less villainous views on the way they work and even sharing similar views to some people in the world today, that is even shown in the book with how the public and media react to different events in the story and even the views on Sam as Captain America. The supporting cast of Misty Knight, D-Man and the new Falcon get a great amount of time to shine in the book and not take the lime light away from Sam as each one is use to great effect in the way they interact with Sam and help him during the story. The artwork throughout the book is great as each art team does a great job in bring the fight scenes to life and even the quite moments with each character emotions being expressed very well especially when Sam finds himself being pretty much a werewolf for the majority of the book. 9/10.

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