Saturday 26 November 2016

Flash: Zoom Review

Finished reading Flash: Zoom, writes Robert Venditti and Van Jensen continue their run on DC's Flash series as Eobard Thawne the man behind the death of Barry's mother has returned to unleash havoc on Barry's life once again. The book opens up with Barry Allen getting use to living with his new roommate the former Pied Piper, Hartley Rathaway after Barry had to move out of his ex girlfriend's home after his breakup with Patty. After meeting with his dad at Iron Heights that morning with the information of a possible lead on the killer of his mother, Eobard Thawne, Henry breaks out of jail in hope to stop Eobard for doing the same to his son that he did to Henry's wife years prior. Unknown to Henry Eobard has already go his eyes on the Flash to not only kill him but the tarnish is reputation and legacy. Overall this was a great book as it gives Barry an extremely personal battle between Thawne who is after Barry because he despises the legacy that the Flash has in the future. While the battle also hits closer to home where Barry's farther Henry escapes prison in order to go after Eobard himself in the hope to save his son only to cause more problems for Barry as he his not allowed to get involved with helping the police with his own father's breakout. The side story within the middle of the book showing the history and origins of the members of Zoom's team that he builds throughout time helps to give these characters enough background to each of them to make the characters more that just pawns in Zoom's plan. The continuing build of the relationship between Barry, Iris and Wally continues to develop the characters with Barry become more of a surrogate father to Wally. The artwork by Brett Booth continues to be great as the paneling and action scenes are constantly gripping and help to convey the characters emotions as well. This is also Carey over to the back up story in the middle of the book with Bong Dazo's art being quite similar to the rest of the book while also having its own flavour as well. 8/10.

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