Saturday 29 October 2016

Earth 2: Society: Planetfall Review

Finished reading Earth 2: Society: Planetfall, beginning a new series for DC's Earth 2 characters, Earth 2: Worlds End co-writer Daniel H. Wilson brings the survivors of the original Earth 2 to another world to begin anew. The book opens up with the heroes of Earth 2 coming together to stop Huntress and Red Arrow form activating a device called the Genesis Machine form terraforming this new world into some thing that resembles their original world. The book then starts back up with this universe's new incarnation of Batman on the pursuit of Terry Sloan, who plans on terraforming this new world. Only to be stopped by the worlds heroes before Sloan can fully achieve his plan bout only to be found dead shortly after which causes a rise in tension between the former team until the killer has been found among them. Overall this was a decent book as it dives back into the universe of Earth 2 by telling a much more slower story allowing more time for some interesting character development. The structure of the story is great as the main and a nice pace as it also allows for some character development for the heroes of Earth 2 and what has been happening on this world since the survivors of the original Earth 2 inhabited it. The artwork is great as it makes the planet and the city's their own characters as much as the heroes with in the book. There are a few emotionally charged scenes that are amazingly put together. What does however let the book is the ending due to it being incredibly anticlimactic after having a large amount of set up. 6/10.

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