Tuesday 6 September 2016

Amazing Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows Review

Finished reading Amazing Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows, taking the place of the main Amazing Spider-Man book during the events of Secret Wars writer Dan Slott tells a story centring around a Spider-Man with a wife and a daughter. The book opens up to the Parker family around the dinner table as Peter tells Mary Jane that he's been pulling longer shifts as heroes like Moon Knight and The Punisher have been missing only to find out during a trip to the Avengers Mansion that Augustus Roman the C.E.O of a new company is involved some how. While the Avengers come face to face with Roman's alias Regent news comes through that there's been a prison break at Ryker's where one of the inmates was Venom who has come to Peter's home threatening his wife and child. After defeating Venom in a fight that killed him Peter stops being Spider-Man and decides be a better father to his daughter Annie while the Avengers all meet their end at the hands of Regent on the other side of the city. Years later Regent has become the self appointed leader of the domain as the last of the heroes have been rounded up for Regent to use their powers for himself while Peter and Mary Jane have been raising Annie and keeping her powers undetected up until Reagent's henchmen find the Power Packs at Annie's school which forces Peter out of retirement and to become Spider-Man once again. Overall this was an amazing book as it puts Spider-Man back with Mary Jane as his wife which hasn't happened since the recon that was One More Day and the addition of their daughter Annie May Parker is the icing and cherry on top of the great cake that is the relationship between Peter and Mary Jane. The family dynamic between all three Parkers is incredibly relatable on multiple levels while being the base of some amazing dramatic and comedic moments. The use of supporting cast of the underground S.H.I.E.L.D movement against Regent and the villains from Spider-Man's rogues gallery is a great touch and the book shows how Regent's control and how Spider-Man not being at the Avengers last stand has made Hawkeye bitter towards him. The artwork by Adam Kubert is great as the books aesthetic is filled with some great visuals from the family photos at the beginning and ending of the book is an amazing touch and the style change during the nightmare scene of Venom's death is brilliant. 9/10.

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