Saturday 27 August 2016

Hail Hydra Review

Finished reading Hail Hydra, this brings a close to writer Rick Remender run on Captain America which this Secret Wars tie in placing Captain America's adopted son Ian Rogers front and centre in a world that has been pulled out form Ian and his father's own nightmares. The book opens up with Captain America's adopted son Ian remembering his time in Dimension Z as he finds himself in a world controlled by Hydra when he asks a man nearby which leads to the police to capture the man. Blaming himself for the mans arrest Ian beaks the man and other prisoners of Hydra out of a factory which leads of Ian coming face to face with this worlds version of himself. The final story of the book by writer David Mandel is a brilliantly crafted, hilarious story that takes looks at the life of Hydra agent Hank Johnson who luckily miss being killed by Nick Fury on a regular basis while dealing with a very topical family problems. Overall this was a great book as it shows how the Marvel universe could have been if Hydra was in control while also giving Ian Rogers some of the best character development since his introduced in the Dimension Z story arc from the beginning of Marvel Now. The relationship that is formed between Ian and the child of this worlds version of Captain America and Sharon Carter, Ellie is great as it allows for writer Rick Remender to give Ian some great development by comparing him to someone else from a similar upbringing thanks to the use of his thoughts which is even apparent when her interacts with his counterpart Captain Hydra. The art by Roland Boschi captures the tone of the book and the action scenes brilliantly as the art and the story go hand in hand very well. While the colour palette used by colourist Chris Chuckry ate different tones of Green particularly darker green's which help to get the feel of the sort of world that Hydra have created. 8.5/10.

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