Tuesday 5 July 2016

Ant-Man: Second-Chance Man Review

Finished reading Ant-Man: Second-Chance Man, this begins the Marvel series that started by coinciding with the release of Marvel's Ant-Man film. The book opens up with Scott Lang, Ant-Man breaking into Tony Stark's apartment after having an interview to be the new head of security for Stark Industries and the only way to get the job is to hack into Stark's own security system which Scott is able to do by using one of Iron Man's helmets to get into the system. After being offered the job Scott discovers that his ex wife Peggy is moving to Miami along with his daughter Cassie which prompts Scott to ditch his new job for Tony Stark so he can move to Miami to be with his daughter. After being in Miami for a few days Scott starts up his own security company with the reformed villain Grizzly being his first employee after he mistakes Scott for being Eric O'Grady who Grizzly wanted revenge against. Overall this was a great book as writer Nick Spencer blends together the comedy and serious moments within Scott's life extremely well. The character moments between Scott and Cassie are great as their relationship feels very organic and is immensely relatable which works perfectly within the book. The artwork by Ramon Rosanas is amazing as it captures the comedic tone of the book extremely well while the art also conveys the large amount emotion between Scott, his ex wife and his daughter Cassie greatly. 8/10.

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