Tuesday 24 May 2016

Inhuman: Lineage Review

Finished reading Inhuman: Lineage, this concludes Marvel's Inhuman series as writer Charles Soule brings an end to the series long story as Inhuman Lineage finally shows his true colours but first New Attilan has do deal with an attack from Ennilux. The book opens up with the Inhumans of New Attilan under attack by the forces of Ennilux as their leader the Capo wants the Inhuman Iso back so he can live on for another generation by inhabitanting Iso's body. After the battle Black Bolt leaves Medusa after the two have a heated argument. Meanwhile in New York the NuHumans are joined by Gorgon in a club as Dante is playing with a local band only to lose control of his powers. Once the group return to New Attilan Gorgon is unable to find Medusa as she and a small team of Inhumans went to Europe to investigate the remains of a Kree laboratory that Lineage told them about, only for it to be a trap for Lash and his people to attack the group. While back in New Attilan Lineage paralyses Gorgon which restricts him to a wheelchair so Lineage can be unstoppable in accomplishing his plan to wipe out the human race by getting them to kill themselves. Overall this was a great book as as writer Charles Soule wraps up the series by the Inhumans fighting against Lineage on several different fronts and even with the large amount of action Charles Soule still makes room for some great character interactions and development along the way. The interactions between the new and classic Inhumans are great as the book shows how characters like Gorgan, Frank McGee and Medusa have grown over the course of the series, while the interaction between Black Bolt and Medusa is a great example for how much development Medusa had over the series as she's become more of a leader to the Inhumans since Black Bolt released the Terrigen Cloud around the world. The artwork throughout the book is amazing as artists Ryan Stegman and André Araújo draw out some amazing action scenes and character moments. There is some brilliantly crafted silent scenes drawn by Ryan Stegman which bring a large spotlight onto the emotions of Medusa after she has a large falling out with Black Bolt and the moment involving Inferno on the last page of the book with his sister and her newborn Inhuman baby is a perfect ending to the book and the series. 8.5/10.

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