Tuesday 29 March 2016

Star Wars: Chewbacca Review

Finished reading Star Wars: Chewbacca, from the creative team of Gerry Duggan and Phil Noto as they take the famous Wookiee on his very own adventure. The book opens up with Zarro and her father Arrax being taken from their home to work in the Andelm Beetle Caverns by the scoundrel Jaum who is currently working with the Empire. Once escaping the cavern with the help of her father, Zarro crosses paths with Chewbacca in a local bar after being chased by a group of Jaum's men. After convincing Chewbacca of her predicament he agrees to help as the two devise a plan to save the workforce only for their plan to go south when Jaum's right hand man, Tyvak causes a cave in while attempting to kill Chewbacca who he sees as a very dangerous threat. Once finding a way out of the cavern Chewbacca and Zarro decide to go after Jaum as he's meeting with an imperial platoon to sell all of the mined Lava from the cavern. Overall this was an amazing book as it dives into Chewbacca's background by using very powerful, silent flashbacks to a time where Chewbacca was a slave worker which makes helping Zarro's father and the other workers even more personal. The light and comedic tone of the book is great from Zarro trying and failing to understand Chewbacca to the opening scroll which makes the tone apparent from the get go. Even with the lighter tone the book is still able to take a more serious tone in some places such as the point where the Chewbacca, Zarro and the workers are caught in a cave in and where Zarro and Chewbacca begin to build a friendship which is a testament to Gerry Duggan's writing. Phil Noto's artwork throughout the book is amazing as it helps to convey the body language and emotions of Chewbacca very well which helps for the reader to understand him as Chewbacca is a character with a very limited vocabulary and this helps a tremendous amount. Additionally the competition within Noto's is great as it put characters important within a panel into focus while making their surroundings out of focus which gives the book a cinematic feel. While the closing moments of the book with Chewbacca along with Zarro's narration is incredibly heartwarming and gives a brilliant ending to an amazing story. 9/10.

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