Tuesday 15 December 2015

Justice League United: Justice League Canada Review

Finished reading Justice League United: Justice League Canada, this begins writer Jeff Lemire's series as former members of the Justice League of America reform with new members to tackle an intergalactic threat. 
The book opens up with a glimpse of the future where the team are crashing into an alien laboratory as the book goes back to three days prior as Stargirl and Animal Man are at a signing in Toronto where anthropologist Adam Strange is asking for the heroes help after grad student Alanna Lewis disappeared after the two found some alien remains. At the site of Alanna's disappearance the group are attacked by a alien soldiers which are defeated by the intervention of Green Arrow and Martian Manhunter who Stargirl called in for backup leading to the discovery of a secret alien laboratory causing the scientists to release one of their experiments to fight of the heroes as they transport away. Meanwhile on the moon of Thalsalla Alanna is caged up with a group of aliens on the orders of the criminal Byth as the bounty hunter Lobo opens the cage to dispose of them when one of the prisoners turns out to be Hawkman who starts to fight Lobo as Alanna helps to free the remaining prisoners. Concurrently the team on Earth are transported to the planet of Rann and are met by Supergirl who's on her way beck to Earth when she noticed the team fighting the experiment with the fight being stopped by the intervention of a group of scientists from the plant who fill the team in what has happened. The final story features the origins behind Miiyahbin's new found powers from her grandmother as Miiyahbin and Alanna go up against a Whitago that's been following her and her friend Heather throughout the side story of the book. Overall this was a good book as it assembles a new Justice League team while bringing the New 52 version of Adam Strange along for the ride. The character interaction are great as Green Arrow and Animal Man some great comic relief while Martian Manhunter's interaction with Ultra is extremely reliable as J'onn becomes a father figure to Ultra very organically. Artist Mike McKone draws out some great designs for the multiple alien species and the fighting choreography is great especially during the fight between Lobo and Hawkman really showcases Lobo's brutality and Hawkman's savagery that is help along with the rest of the art team. With the addition of the colouring choices of the book is great as in some parts panels can go from full colour to a black and white image with a bright red background that helps to add more dynamic feel to a scene. 7/10.

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