Tuesday 15 September 2015

Original Sins Review

Finished reading Original Sins, this is the anthology book that accompanies Marvel's Original Sin event telling smaller stories for characters affected by what transpired in the main book. The main story of the book, by writer Ryan North features Young Avengers Hulkling, Prodigy and Marvel Boy as they head to an evacuated part of New York after the explosion of the Watcher's Eye as the team are noticed by a woman who disappears inside an apartment building. While looking for the woman in the building the team run into the Hood who has been hiding the residents of the building as each of them gained all the secrets of the Watcher as the Hood hopes to use the information in the people's minds to help his sick mother. The rest of the book features small stories, one of which has old Nick Fury telling the heartbreaking truth about how his close friend Dum Dum Dugan is still alive and hasn't aged when the Infinity Formula has been used up for Fury making him age exponentially. There are also some smaller lighthearted two page stories ranging from a silent Lockjaw story where he remembers where he buried a large bone to a story of J Jonah Jameson's first Spider-Man article. Overall this was a descent book as it tells the story of different characters reactions to finding out about curtain secrets very well. The Black Knight and Deathlok stories are great character pieces while the Doctor Doom story has some intriguing twists. The two page short stories are funny with the Howard the Duck and life model decoy Nick Fury being hilarious with how some of the characters react to the situation they're in. 6/10.

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