Tuesday 21 April 2015

Justice League: Forever Heroes Review

Finished reading Justice League: Forever Heroes this is primarily used as companion book towards the Forever Evil event as it tells the subplot to the it. The first half of the book showcases the origins of each member of the Crime Syndicate with each member's origin being a twisted version of each member of the Justice League. The origin of Johnny Quick and Atomica is one of the more interesting ones as it shows an alternative version of the Flash's villains the Rouges as cops how fail to apprehend Johnny and Atomica leading to them getting their powers. The second half of the book follows Cyborg as he rebuilds his robotic body with the help of his farther and Dr Morrow with the equipment in the Red Room of S.T.A.R Labs. After being rebuilt Cyborg goes to Dr Will Magnus the creator of the Metal Men for help as Cyborg hopes to recruit them in stopping the Crime Syndicate as the Justice League is unavailable which leads to a big fight between Cyborg and his old cybernetic body Grid. Overall this was a great book as it dived into the origin of the Crime Syndicate members and has a great origin for the Metal Men as well which has an interesting gut punch within it. There are also some nice scenes of the Doom Patrol being defeated by Johnny Quick and Atomica along with the appearance of Patrick O'Brian getting his PlasticMan powers as Owlman crashes a meeting of rival gangs in Chicago. The only thing that lets the book down is that the story flows in and out of that main Forever Evil book as some plot points start in that book and continue here while others start here and end over there. 8/10.

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