Tuesday 24 March 2015

Action Comics: What Lies Beneath Review

Finished reading Action Comics: What Lies Beneath, this begins the run of creative team Greg Pak and Aaron Kuder on the series. The book opens up with a retelling of Superman's origin with narration from both Martha Kent and Lara Van-El. Which is a nice departure as these type of narrations always seem to be told by one of his dad's. The next story is set during the Zero Year story arc showing a younger and overconfident Superman jumping head first into a superstorm heading towards Gotham as he believes he has the power to stop the storm. The rest of the book follows the story of Superman meeting back up with his high school girlfriend Lana Lang, an electrical engineer who's team was drill for a new energy source in Venezuela until a large monster appears from an underground city. Once Superman discovers the monster is harmless after turning into a small blue humanoid with a tail, they both return to the underground city in Venezuela with Lana only for Ghost Soldier to escalate the situation when it's fount out that the underground civilisation are seemly extracting the life force of some small creatures for energy. Overall this was a great book it made Superman seem more human as his interactions with Lana are so organic which is what you would expect form two people who were childhood sweethearts while the origin plays homage to Batman's, as there's a scene where insted of a bat coming through that window the sun shines like a beacon of hope for Superman after the death of his Foster parents death. 8/10.

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