Tuesday 31 March 2015

Superman/Wonder Woman: Power Couple Review

Finished reading Superman/Wonder Woman: Power Couple, this follows Superman and Wonder Woman as they take on new challenges as a couple. The book opens up with Superman and Wonder Woman above the Atlantic Ocean as they try to help people in the area of a natural disaster only for it to turn out to have been caused by Doomsday. With Wonder Woman reassuring Superman that he's not alone in any conflict like Doomsday, the two of them go to Wonder Woman's blacksmith Hephaestus for help only for Apollo the sun god to start a fight with Superman causing him to over power thanks to a sun blast from Apollo, leading to Superman to sit on the dark side of the moon until he calms down as Batman gives him a pep talk. Meanwhile Zod appears out of a Phantom Zone portal in the Sahara desert where he is taken to the Fortress of Solitude so Superman can interrogate him, only for Zod to gain access to the Phantom Zone controller to bring Faora out in order to conquer the planet. Overall this was a great book it made the relationship between Superman and Wonder Woman relatable to any other relationship as they deal with common obstacles any couple faces just with them in the form of gods and super villains, while the fights against Zod and Faora are brief they take the story in to a different direction. 8.5/10.

Saturday 28 March 2015

The Flash: History Lessons Review

Finished reading The Flash: History Lessons, this book showcases four different stories featuring The Flash. The book opens up with the backstory of how The Flash first met Green Lantern as both of them have been called to participate within an alien gladiator contest thanks to a deal Green Lantern made to an alien race in order to rescue some children who were kidnapped a few years prior. The second story shows how a few people's life's have change thanks to The Flash helping them in small ways. The next story has The Flash dealing with Spitfire, a criminal who has stolen some hazardous chemicals and has used a plane as a getaway vehicle. This leads to The Flash to come up with a different approach to tackle the problem as he is unable to fly which creates an interesting story. The rest of the book follows The Flash reopening the case of his mothers death as he believes that he may have fount her killer, leading to him accidentally unleashing an evil spirit hellbent on the revenge of the descendants of the man who left him for dead. With the spirit awoken The Flash teams up with Deadman in order to defeat it before any more innocents are killed. Overall this was a good book, it had some interesting stories that had some great resolutions to them. While the main story had a nice team up with Deadman, it still left the case open to who actually killed The Flash's mother with only the police captain and his farther knowing who. 7.5/10.

Friday 27 March 2015

Home Film Review

Finished watching Home, the new film from Director Tim Johnson staring Jim Parsons and Rihanna. The film starts with the alien race called the Boov, who have come to inhabit the earth as they are running away from an alien called the Gorg. The film follows Oh (Jim Parsons), a lonely "Boov" who becomes a criminal when a party invite is accidentally sent to everyone in the galaxy including the "Gorg". This is when he meets Tip (Rihanna), a young girl who is on a mission to find her mum who was taken by the "Boov" along with the other humans in a remote part of the planet so the "Boov" can take over. With Oh and Tip now a partnership they travel the world to clear Oh's name and get Tip reunited with her mum. Overall this was a good film the casting of Jim Parsons was perfect for the character Oh as it brought some great moments from being laugh out loud funny to almost tearjerkers, which are enhanced by the animation as the "Boov" change colour with each emotion they're feeling. 7.5/10.

Tuesday 24 March 2015

Action Comics: What Lies Beneath Review

Finished reading Action Comics: What Lies Beneath, this begins the run of creative team Greg Pak and Aaron Kuder on the series. The book opens up with a retelling of Superman's origin with narration from both Martha Kent and Lara Van-El. Which is a nice departure as these type of narrations always seem to be told by one of his dad's. The next story is set during the Zero Year story arc showing a younger and overconfident Superman jumping head first into a superstorm heading towards Gotham as he believes he has the power to stop the storm. The rest of the book follows the story of Superman meeting back up with his high school girlfriend Lana Lang, an electrical engineer who's team was drill for a new energy source in Venezuela until a large monster appears from an underground city. Once Superman discovers the monster is harmless after turning into a small blue humanoid with a tail, they both return to the underground city in Venezuela with Lana only for Ghost Soldier to escalate the situation when it's fount out that the underground civilisation are seemly extracting the life force of some small creatures for energy. Overall this was a great book it made Superman seem more human as his interactions with Lana are so organic which is what you would expect form two people who were childhood sweethearts while the origin plays homage to Batman's, as there's a scene where insted of a bat coming through that window the sun shines like a beacon of hope for Superman after the death of his Foster parents death. 8/10.

Saturday 21 March 2015

The Flash: Reverse Review

Finished reading The Flash: Reverse, this concludes the run of creative team of Francis Manapul and Brian Buccellato on the series. The book opens up with Barry Allen returning to the Central City police department after being presumed dead along with four others who were trapped inside the Speed Force. Meanwhile a masked murderer is killing off everyone who was affected by the Speed Force by reversing time around them so their Speed Force power can be absorbed. After three of the four have been killed, Barry as the Flash goes to the one person unaffected, Iris West. Things become more complicated as the Flash takes Iris to his girlfriend Patty who knows that he's Barry Allan, so she can keep Iris safe as he goes after the killer, leading to an interesting reveal when the results of a DNA test come back. The last story is set during the Zero Year story arc, as Barry goes to Gotham to help the police during a black out coursed by the Riddler. The story tells how Barry first met Iris before becoming the Flash, as he teams up with Harvey Bullock to stop a supply of illegal drugs that set people alight once consumed. Overall this book was amazing as it gave an intriguing backstory to the Reverse Flash which makes you sympathise with the character within the interlude story, while the Zero Year story has some great comedic moments between Barry and Iris making the ending basically perfect. 9.5/10

Friday 20 March 2015

Focus Film Review

Finished watching Focus, staring Will Smith and Margot Robbie, and directed by Glenn Ficarra and John Requa. The film is about con man Nicky (Smith) who comes across Jess (Robbie) a novice to the con game. Nicky takes Jess under his wing teaching her the tricks of the trade while bringing her into his gang as they pull of a few small cons in New Orleans around the time of a football match. Three years after the job in New Orleans Nicky comes out of retirement to do a job for a race car team owner to fix races by selling an opposing team a dodgy component. Nicky plans change when he meets Jess again who turns out to be dating the man who hired him. This leads to a some interesting twists and turns which effects the rest of the story. Overall it was a good film which gave an interesting insight to the world of con men and women. 7/10

Tuesday 17 March 2015

Superman: Psi War Review

Finished reading Superman: Psi War. Continuing with Superman's story after the H'el on Earth event, the book opens up with Lois Lane digging into a story about twenty people who went missing during Brainiac's attack on Metropolis five years prior, leading to a powerful cliffhanger. The rest of the book picks up with Superman appearing in front of the US Senate on what had happened during the fight against H'el at the Fortress of Solitude. The story continues with Superman as Clark Kent being invited to a house party at Lois' apartment where he asks Wonder Woman to come with him as they are in a relationship which causes an awkward situation as Clark is late to the party. Superman is then thrown into a fight with the New God Orion as it is found out that Hector Hammond's psyche had been hiding within Superman's subconscious causing people around him to act strangely. Once defeated Hammond wakes up from his comma only for H.I.V.E to come after him and trying to add Hammond to their cause, only for a psychic war between Hammond and the H.I.V.E Queen to start with Superman caught helplessly in the middle. This leads to a comatose Lois Lane to discover that she has her own psychic powers and uses them to help Superman. Overall this book was a good read, seeing Superman almost defenceless brings a different way for him to overcome a psychic enemy. However the book has a slight story problem as it places the Annual's story at the beginning of the book instead of in chronological order. 7/10.

Sunday 15 March 2015


Hello everyone.
I've just as added a Facebook page for the blog. It's at https://www.facebook.com/bookfilmview?_rdr. - Johnny.


Hello people of the Internet and welcome to BookFilmView. This is where I will be writing up book and film reviews on what I've been reading and watching. 
Each week I'll be posting two book reviews of books that I've recently read. The book reviews will mainly be that of graphic novels and comic collection volumes. I am open to any recommendations of other books I should review.
I will also be writing up one film review per week. The film reviews will be of a recant film being shown at the cinema, to avoid spoilers the reviews will be posted at least a week after the films release.
There will be a book review posted every Tuesday and Saturday. While the film review will be posted every Friday. - Johnny.