Friday, 27 November 2015

The Hunger Games: Morkingjay- Part 2 Film Review

Finished watching The Hunger Games: Morkingjay- Part 2, directed by Francis Lawrence and staring Jennifer Lawrence, Josh Hutcherson, Donald Sutherland, Julianne Moore, Phillip Seymour Hoffman and Mahershala Ali. The film opens up with Katniss Everdeen (Jennifer Lawrence) in a medical facility when she sees a brainwashed Peeta (Josh Hutcherson) in restraints due to being brainwashed by President Corirlanus Snow's (Donald Sutherland) forces. After seeing Peeta Katniss meets with the rebellion President Alma Coin (Julianne Moore) along with Plutarch Heavensbee (Phillip Seymour Hoffman) were both ask her to join a group of soldiers from District 2 where they hope to add to their forces. After being shoot at by a supporter of Snow, Katniss insists to join the rebellion's forces on the front line in the Capital, after Coin refusing her request only for Katniss to sneak aboard a aircraft heading to the Capital. After being found out Katniss is assigned to a squad lead by Boggs (Mahershala Ali) who has been tasked to protect the former contestants of the Hunger Games in the squad who are being used for propaganda for the rebellion as the squad stay on their own route way from the frontline on the way to Snow. Overall this was an ok film as it brings a nice conclusion to the Hunger Games franchise. The action is a little lacklustre esk as there is one stand out action scene as Cadnis and her team fight the group of Mutts in the sewers while the rest of the film has them manly running away from capital's traps call pods and the Peacekeepers shooting at them. While Jennifer Lawrence brings a great performance with how Katniss interacts with President Snow and her former lover Peeta as their story being the most developed through out the film even though Peeta's brainwashing was suddenly fixed at the end of the film while the other characters within Katniss' group felt like they were added just to help further Katniss story to its conclusion. 5.5/10.

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